Friday, February 11, 2011

Not Your Ordinary Salad.

If I had one week to live and had to select each meal accordingly, at least one of them would include a stop to Abbot's Pizza Company for their specialty salad pizza. 
My best friend introduced this to me about 5 years ago in Santa Monica, and it has since become a go-to.

This pizza might be one of the strangest, healthy-but-not-really-healthy, meals you'd expect to enjoy.  Oh but you will.

First off, Abbots uses a bagel crust.  
This is a no-joke, thin-but-still-heavy bagel crust topped with a thin layer of sour cream and baked through.  Upon removal from the oven, your bagel crust is topped with a massive salad consisting of mixed greens, onions, tomatoes, basil, avocado, feta and a lemon dressing.  Odd?  Yes.  But amazing?  Absolutely. 

Its a good thing we didn't have an Abbot's on my college campus, or the Freshman 15 would've quickly become the Freshman 150.  

We are off to Portland, Oregon tomorrow for a little getaway - I hope to bring back at least a few cheesy experiences to share.  Happy Weekend!


  1. Delicious! Have fun in Portland!

  2. salaaaaaad pizza: best. idea. ever. makes us feel healthy. bookclub4life.
